Here are the two most common reasons we hear for not buying a barcode verifier: Barcode verifiers are too expensive. It isn’t necessary to buy a barcode verifier because we’ve never had a [...]
Let’s first clear up a common confusion. There are seemingly two kinds of calibration for barcode verifiers: user calibration factory calibration (sometimes called recalibration) User Calibration [...]
Using a barcode testing service offers significant benefits to two groups: those who do not (yet) own a barcode verifier and those who do. The benefits for the former are obvious. Even those who [...]
Use a barcode testing service or buy a verifier? Life has Tradeoffs Like many things in life, there are tradeoffs to using a barcode testing service rather than having your own verifier. Only you [...]
An ISO compliant, recently recalibrated barcode verifier is arguably the best and only effective defense against barcode quality-related liability. What about barcode verifier discrepancies? [...]
A bad barcode is an emergency. Time is of the essence. A barcode problem is usually caused by one of four problems. These problems are easily detected visually. A low power magnifier helps. You [...]
What is the very best handheld barcode verifier available today? Here are the main attributes: ISO compliant. A scanner running verification software isn’t really a verifier. Intuitive, [...]
Axicon Auto ID just re-released an excellent video, which first posted several years ago. It answers the very common, very important question, “What is the difference between a barcode scanner [...]
Barcodes are everywhere and used in critical applications. Barcodes keep manufacturing systems operating. They maintain unbroken supply chains; they secure access to aircraft, sporting and [...]
As barcode technology matured and expanded into more critical roles, barcodes are used on a wider variety of materials and packaging configurations: metallic tubes and other cylindrical shapes [...]