The ISO 15416 linear barcode parameter Decodability differs from other parameters because it measures element (bar and space) widths and positions. All of the other ISO parameters are based on [...]
Recently we were asked why the important—and sometimes confusing—parameter Decodability appears in the ISO standard for 1D barcodes but not in the standard for 2D barcodes. Decodability is based [...]
Decodability is an ISO 15416 parameter for evaluating 1D barcodes. As the name implies, it indicates the likelihood that the barcode will scan and decode correctly. But what exactly does it test [...]
Decodability is one of the graded ISO parameters that determine barcode quality. Why test and grade a barcode for quality? This is done to predict with reasonable accuracy that the barcode scans [...]
Decodability is one of the most difficult to understand of the barcode standards. The definition, “the ability of a barcode to be decoded” is simple but unclear for understanding its [...]
Of all the ANSI/ISO parameters, decodability is the one that confounds and confuses most people. Attempts to define it in simple terms (“Decodability is the amount of tolerance left for the [...]
Modulation and decodability are easy to understand if you are familiar with the Scan Reflectance Profile or SRP. This is discussed in previous articles in this blog. The Scan Reflectance Profile [...]