We are barcode experts, helping users understand barcode technology.
Barcode Testing
barcode verifier training
verifier certification
Policies and procedures
Barcode quality

Barcode Testing
If you design, provide pre-press services, print barcodes or are a brand owner using barcodes, a poorly performing barcode is a liability. The only way to manage that risk is to test your barcodes.
Using an independent barcode test lab has many advantages. We have a range of barcode verifiers. We can test almost any type of barcode. If you are not ready to invest in a verifier, we can help. But companies who own barcode verifiers also find us useful, for independent confirmation of their verifiers.
An independent barcode tester can be helpful in problem solving. We interpret the verification reports data to help you understand what to do, to improve your barcode quality. What do you do when the offending ISO parameter is “Decodability”, or “Modulation”? We can explain it and recommend a solution matched to your printing process.
Planning to purchase a barcode verifier? We can generate reports from different types of verifiers to help you decide what is best for you. You can also request a quote: we sell the brand we trust and use.
- Spot Checks
- Batch Testing
- Barcode Processes Review
- Barcode Procedures Review
When you need to have barcodes tested, we understand that it is urgent. Please notify us when sending samples for testing, and provide tracking information. This helps us respond promptly, usually within hours of receiving your barcodes. Your barcodes are handled carefully; your confidentiality it protected.
We send you a verification report for every sample you send. If there are quality issues, we make specific recommendations for how to improve your barcodes. Your samples are returned at your request, securely archived or destroyed based on your directions.
Contact us to arrange for barcode testing:
Barcode Verifier Training
Now that you have purchased a barcode verifier, the next step is to make the most of your investment. We can help with barcode verifier training, starting from the basics of installing the software, configuring and calibrating the device and verifying your first barcode. If you haven’t yet purchased a verifier, we can help you establish which one is the best one for your particular requirements—whether or not you decide to purchase from us.
Verifiers, whether for 1D barcodes like UPC and Code 128, or for 2D for symbols like Data Matrix and QR Code, test and grade in accordance with an ISO Specification. The ISO Specification grades symbols based on its reflective and other key characteristics called parameters. These are not familiar to many print reproduction people, and it can be challenging to figure out how to adjust the print process based on the verification test report. Whatever print method you use–thermal, ink jet, litho, flexo or direct part mark–we can help.
We can help you install and configure your verifier to do what you purchased it to do—control your barcode-related risk and protect your trading partner relationships. Our verifier training helps users to understand and apply the information in the verification report to resolve problems and predict problems before they become—problems.
Barcode quality is more important today than ever before. And it will be increasingly important in the future. In the early days of retail scanning, a bad barcode was an inconvenience. Today a bad barcode can be a major liability.
Barcode quality includes the quality of the printed barcode image and the integrity of the encoded data in the barcode. You cannot rely on a barcode scanner to manage barcode quality risk. An ISO-compliant verifier is a must.
Barcode-Test offers barcode quality training programs designed to respond to your specific needs

BASIC TRAINING is an introduction to barcodes (1D and 2D) and an overview of why barcode quality is important. This is a great place to start for a new hire in a graphics design or printing company. This program establishes a sense of purpose and importance in a job that deals with barcodes.
BASIC PLUS is a deeper look into the barcode quality specifications for 1D and/or 2D symbologies including Traditional and ANSI/ISO. Companies that deal with a broad spectrum of barcode types will find this relevant and valuable. Attendees will often have specific problems to discuss and may bring barcode samples to be verified and explained.
ADVANCED deals with the two aspects of barcode quality: print quality and data integrity. Newer 1D and 2D symbologies provide much higher levels of data capacity which has made them a useful tool in product safety and supply chain security. But the data must be presented correctly. This is redefining barcode quality which historically dealt only with the quality of the printed barcode image. This program will be of interest to medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturers and other industries as well as their contract manufacturing partners who are utilizing barcodes for security purposes.
ADVANCED PLUS is for companies with specific barcode quality needs and concerns: brand owners and contract manufacturers who need a deeper understanding of a single or limited set of barcode types and uses which support their business, their business partnerships and their supply chain. Often this includes a module about a specific Industry Application such as GS1 Healthcare, HIBCC, AIAG, MIL STD 130N, etc.
Our training programs are customized and conversational which makes them relevant, interesting and immediately applicable to attendees in their real jobs. We don’t waste your valuable time teaching you what you already know or don’t need to know.

Policies & Procedures
It is important to communicate your expectations for barcode quality to your employees, and it is just as important to communicate it to your vendors and suppliers. Risk and liability due to bad barcodes does not go away if you rely on vendors to design or print your barcodes or to mark your incoming inventory. Referencing supplier quality, a sage person once said “You get what you enforce.” But if you haven’t told your suppliers what you expect, what is there to enforce? A barcode quality policy statement and document is how you let them know—in writing.
We can write your policy statement and procedures document quickly and comprehensively. You can merge it into the employee handbook, the corporate quality document or add it as an addendum. If you are an ISO compliant company, it is undoubtedly a requirement. Let us help.
8726 Seminole Trail, Unit B3 Ruckersville, VA 22968
Tel: 630-235-6077
Email: John@barcode-test.com
8726 Seminole Trail, Unit B3 Ruckersville, VA 22968
Email: John@barcode-test.com