Identify a Barcode Visually Without a Scanner

 In Barcode Symbol Types


Visually identifying barcode symbologies (symbol types) can be quite handy when a scanner or verifier isn’t available.

Key characteristics include:


UPC/EAN: All start with a pair of narrow bars and a narrow space, with the full 13-digit versions having the same pattern at the end.




ITF-14: Features start and stop bars with narrow spaces, and often includes a long dark bar above and below the pattern



Code 128


GS1-128: Though complex with three character sets, all share a common stop pattern of wide bars flanking a narrow bar-space-bar.


GS1 DataBar


DataBar: Easily identifiable in its stacked form and uses a single narrow start and stop bar.



Datamatrix Code: Identified by an L-shaped track of solid dark lines on two sides and a clock track on the opposite sides.


QR Code

QR Code: Notable for its finder patterns in three corners, with a smaller alignment pattern inside the fourth corner.





Understanding these patterns can help troubleshoot when a barcode fails to scan, as it allows for quick visual identification of the symbology.

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