Yes, actual use cases, not something we made up. These are real use cases with recently purchased barcode verifiers. For reasons everyone can understand, identities and specific circumstances are [...]
Barcode quality is risk management. This risk can take several forms. A chargeback is the cost of stickers and labor to over-label bad barcodes. But the damages do not end there. A further risk [...]
The total cost of ownership of a barcode verifier varies, but the right verifier can pay for itself over time. Minor compromises in selecting the right verifier can increase risk. The wrong [...]
Barcodes are complicated, and so is the challenge of buying the right barcode verifier. Here we break it down into its component parts. Ten critical questions: 1.Make sure the verifier you are [...]
My mother used to say, “Two’s company, three’s a crowd.” I did not fully understand the saying until I had kids of my own. A kid with one friend could play well together, but add a third kid and [...]
Calculating the ROI of a barcode verifier is easy, but make sure all costs are included. Barcode verifiers pay for themselves. That is a fact based on many cases and reports from verifier users. [...]
When a barcode fails to scan, the silence of no “beep” is deafening and troublesome. What to do? Where to start? The obvious answer is to use a verifier. Usually—but not always—when a scanner [...]
Barcode verifiers are expensive. But price is one kind of number, and cost is another kind. How much does it cost to own a verifier? There are several factors: Maintenance annual re-certification [...]